Welcome to Sacred Worlds
A collaborative tabletop game where the success of one player is possible by the team’s overall contribution. Sacred Worlds allows you to experience a transformative voyage of play and discovery, and strengthen your family relationships by addressing real world challenges through the power of imagination and creativity.
Each player will complete 3 adventures using characters, tools and their imagination. Leveling the playing field between parents and children, encouraging open conversations and promoting collaboration between all players.
Experience Sacred Worlds, a magical board game that fosters deep connections between parents and children.
Sacred Worlds is about working together to solve challenges, creating an understanding of your inner self and remembering that we are all connected in meaningful ways.
Every time you play, the game is different! The random combinations of Character, Tool, and Adventure cards assures you learn, experience and feel something new each time.
Explore AVALON and meet AMOREYA. You will be EMPOWERED to trust and respect yourself.
Dive down to the UNDERWATER realm of Tortuga, where you will interact with LIAH Be reminded of the playfulness of love experience love and joy when you connect with others from the heart.
Beam up to the COSMOS realm. Here you will encounter SEDARA, the cosmic dragon. Sedara will help you learn how to be in the flow of life, transform obstacles into joy and return to your pure heart.
Empowering Teens through Play
As children become familiar with the game through repeated play, they continue to open their hearts and develop their emotional intelligence. Each game helps build the skills of critical thinking, decision-making and cooperation, encouraging self-esteem and respect for the gifts and challenges of others.
Change the World One Game at a Time
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